
How Counseling Can Help You Thrive amongst Life Transitions

During three major life changes, I sought guidance. The first two times, I had to choose between two good options. The last one involved considering retirement. Specifically, I wanted a counselor who was older than me and still actively working. I also preferred a social worker as my counselor, as I have a belief, albeit irrational, that they make the best counselors. The therapy lasted about 6-7 sessions and helped me make the decision while also revealing sides about myself I should have known earlier.

I’ve been through a tough time since I lost my job. My personal life took a hit, too. I really needed someone to guide me through it all. That’s when I found you, Roma Mam. You have helped me with my career and then with life in general. I’m so thankful to you for understanding me without judging.

 This is feedback from my client. A guy recognized as the individual who attended the National Defense Academy, was commissioned as a flyer and left the military due to someone unworthy. He faced a court-martial, repeatedly explaining the reasons despite everyone’s persistent curiosity.

He was willing to assist others with their life decisions, drawing from his experiences to prevent others from enduring similar paths. He also offered guidance on SSB and armed forces matters, was ready to provide counsel even at odd hours, and offered his number for support.

I think the category he comes from is one of the strongest when it comes to mental health. Such personnel are trained and prepared for anything life may throw at them. 

But it also brings one more thing. The shame and humility to be vulnerable as more than often, society will readily judge someone like him if he decides to go for counseling and label him with names. 

I won’t offer you any quick fixes because there aren’t any. What helped him might not help you, but I promise that Samarpan Healing Spa can help you find your way out of it. I’ll simply share how to cope with it, hoping it’ll give you the strength to overcome tough times. If a genius like him can manage, so can you all.

You may feel sad, isolated, lost, distracted, confused, scared, vulnerable, weak, and skeptical. You think it will consume you, and you may fear you might die soon. You hate your mind and body. You wish for a new body and a new mind, which means you want to die. It’s so painful going through depression, and you want to come out of it, but you can’t seem to move. Most of the time, you’re found alone, sitting in some corner quietly. You can’t tell how many times you’ve tried to kill yourself during this time. You believe dying would be better than living like a vegetable matter.

The hardest part is how people judge you for it. You’re too scared to ask for help because you worry they’ll think you’re crazy. You’re afraid of being labeled as a psycho. 

But let me tell you, mental challenges are just like a headache, stomach ache, or fever. It’s common and okay, but it needs to be treated. I understand the stigma is deeply ingrained; some would rather suffer in silence than seek help. My own family faced this stigma. Some even said it was just seeking attention, not struggling. I have seen people beg to take them to get assistance because they were trying to help themselves, but they couldn’t believe their child, sibling, friend, or relative could have mental issues. So, what do you do?

You must make the courageous decision to accept that you are in battle rather than succumbing to shame. Acceptance is a must. Now, confront your challenges head-on. Reflect on what led you to this point, what issues require your attention, and what fears are holding you back. Remember, you are human. Treat yourself with compassion. Life is a journey filled with highs and lows.  If you fall short of a goal, it’s okay. You gave it your all. Countless opportunities are awaiting you. Understand that it’s perfectly acceptable if you don’t excel or achieve top scores. The society does not decide your true value. You need to get rid of anything that disturbs your peace of mind. After all, you’re the one living this life, and you know what’s best for you. Your mental well-being is more important than anything else.
  • Stop dwelling on everything. Sometimes, you need to let things go to stay healthy.
  • Hang out with your friends and do activities. Make sure you keep yourself busy so your mind doesn’t focus on negative thoughts.
  • Try to tire out your mind. Stick to a sleep schedule, even if you’re worried about not sleeping well. It’ll be alright.
Having a therapist gives you someone to share your thoughts with. We together might come up with ideas that you hadn’t thought of before about how to tackle life, and surprisingly, they often work. You can analyze on breakthroughs through the session and decide whether to keep them or not. It’s more about growing as a person. The most helpful thing you may gain from counseling understands how your mind and body are connected and how each affects the other. You will also learn that your physical state reflects your entire life experience and that memories can be stored in your body as patterns of tension. You will realize that your personality is shaped by how you’ve learned to deal with stress and the flexibility of your brain’s ability to react to different situations. You will come to see how your sexuality plays a central role in how you interact with yourself and others and in finding joy and connection in life.

You might not realize that many of your struggles—whether they’re mental, emotional, physical, or behavioral—stem from your mind. Lots of people grow up thinking there’s something wrong with them and keep their trauma hidden away. Emotional reactions like being constantly on edge, feeling intense anger, or dealing with shame and guilt can become routine, along with feelings of defeat, inadequacy, and unworthiness.

If you know you went through a state as such, it’s important to consider getting professional help. Understanding all the ways trauma can affect you can bring clarity and comfort.

If you prefer, you can start by educating yourself. Or you can reach out to me at Samarpan Healing Spa at Vakola, Santa Cruz, Mumbai. From there, we can figure out your next steps based on how much you think the situation affected you, how well your body handles stress, how resilient you are, and how it impacts your health and relationships.

Many people who’ve experienced mental decline struggle with attachment issues, which can be tough to tackle alone. I recommend counseling as the quickest way to get help, but some resilient people can work through it with little help. Still, having a basic understanding of where you’re at is paramount.

Most importantly, remember: Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Take care of both equally. You can’t be physically healthy if you’re not mentally healthy. Love and believe in yourself, and everything else will fall into place.

Do you feel like you could use someone to talk to? Let’s chat! Book a session with me today at, and let’s start working on feeling better together.

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