There has been an improvement in his understanding and socializing.Every Saturday, Hari looks forward eagerly to go to Roma’s place for the therapy, more than going to school. Along with Hari we also get the sound therapy healing and counseling from Roma which has helped us in releasing our stress and it creates a positive vibrations in us.
We are grateful to my sister-in-law for guiding us to Roma. She is such a phenomenal and a selfless person. We are sure that very soon all my Hari’s problems will be solved and he will have a bright future. Many Thanks to Roma.
Geeta Vishwanth Iyer,Goregaon West.

I have been attending the meditation sessions since two months now. It has brought about a lot of change in my outlook towards life. I have learnt not to worry about the problems in life but face it with a positive attitude. Instead of sitting and brooding over things I have learnt to take them in a positive way. My heart and mind feels light. By doing the 49HB Kriya I feel more energetic. All thanks to my guru.
Mrs Lalita Nair, Vakola, Santacruz East

Before coming for meditation, I used to be tired very soon. Actually I had to leave my job 3 years back because of this tiredness and lack of concentration in my work. My total thyroidectomy was done in Jan 2013 because my right thyroid gland had become malignant but since it was touching my left gland the surgery was done and both glands were removed. . After that in July 2013 my pressure rose very high, and on investigation and MRA of my head it was found that there was complete occlusion of the right carotid artery from its origin with no flow dingles in the right cervical and intracranial internal carotid artery. The right middle and anterior cerebral arteries got formed from opposite circulation. I tried continuing with my job for 1 year but could not do so after a year. The tiredness was so much and would get disturbed because I could not concentrate so left the job. Medication is on since then.
At home I rested for 3 years. Before coming for meditation. I could not sing for more than 2 minutes as I used to get pain in the centre of my forehead. But in spite of pain I would sing only to get more pain. I used to sleep very often in the day. Would get tired but was told by the doctor that it’s because of thyroidectomy. Have to get thyroid function done every 3 months to conduct my dosage intake of the tablet eltroxin. Used to get irritated very soon and lose patience with my spouse and children. Now after I have started meditation I find that my patience level has increased. My sleep has reduced comparatively. Earlier I used to sleep more often, but I find that after coming there every Wednesday for Breath work and Meditation Session I sleep more on Thursdays. Also that when I sing I don’t get that pain in forehead which used to be there earlier. I am able to do more work.
I had a belief that my mom in law has done some jadu tona on me and my family. And even after her death that still continues. But you asked me to forgive her. And I did so, now that belief too has gone. I have realised that things are improving now, in the family. I had a habit of putting chits of yes, no in front of Hanumanji’s photo to decide about things which I used to be confused about. After meditating I have stopped doing that.
I have started looking at things differently. I still get irritated with children and husband when they irritate me, and even start shouting and arguing, but come out of it soon and cool and calm down very fast, because you have brought in the realization that I have nothing to do with other people’s karma’s. They are behaving in this pattern because we are all linked with each other because of our past karmas. I ask for forgiveness from them immediately, as I know now, that they may be right from their point of view. What may be good and positive from my view point may not be so according to theirs. Even with my sisters and their family, my in-laws, my thinking has changed.
To be very true to you, I must confess to u that I cannot meditate or even do 49HB or anulom vilom every day. I do it only when I feel like doing it. I had gone for Art of Living in 2005, and had cried a lot when I did Sudarshan Kriya 1st time. I used to do that regularly, but after the floods of 26th July 2005, I couldn’t do it again, how much ever I try.
Sorry Roma, about the pain in the forehead while singing still persists, I just realised while singing some time back. But definitely all the other things said have changed. Some days back before coming to you, you remember I had got so much disturbed because the boy in my colony had killed his mom. And I spoke to you about my disturbed state of mind. I couldn’t sleep properly for many nights after hearing the news. But now such news really don’t bother me. My attitude and thinking have changed.
Mrs Rupinder Nambiar, Santacruz East, Mumbai.

Roma Maa is my Guru. Gu means darkness therefore the one who removes you from darkness is Guru. Today my guru maa is actually making me live up to my name Archana and now I’m in love with myself as I feel this is my rebirth which I can see with my open eyes. My guru maa has inculcated in me the essence of positivity, understanding and awareness through her teachings. A teacher with immense love and affection teaches us Kriya, Dhyan and how to lead a happy and blissful life. A loving guru but at times a stern teacher who in her exclusive way pulls our ears. What exactly is “surrender” I came to know from the teachings given by my guru maa as my awareness has reached 85%. For 100% I have to stop being logical.
I have also taken EVT from guru maa for my PCOD, thyroid, and mental stability. The effect of the therapy is my menses which were irregular is now regular. Mental stability has reached to 85%.There is total change in me. I am experiencing this change in me from the core; because of my guru maa. I tell her I’m in the nursery class in your school- that is am on the first step of learning and have still time to graduate, but what I have experienced and learnt in nursery is so wonderful that I think by the time I graduate my guru maa will speak about it. Maa love you, and, thank you Almighty to bless me with a loving and amazing guru, my Roma maa.
Mrs Archana Parab, Vakola, Mumbai

I suffer from Meniere’s disease, BP & Depression. I was introduced to Roma Mam by a dear friend. Mam has been using Sound therapy, Counselling & Breathing exercises to heal me. I have found a marked difference in my ailments after a few sessions. I would like to add that it’s my mental state & approach to life that has changed completely since starting this holistic healing. Mam is so selfless & untiringly makes time to solve all my issues. I am blessed to have found a GURU in her. With warm regards Mrs Geetha Surendra, Andheri West, Mumbai

Mrs Viaya Iyer Kandivali East
Her superb counselling and mastery of karma theory which she shares has helped me greatly in my approach towards life.
She is very dedicated in all that she does and because of her simplicity, loving and compassionate nature she is an inspiration. I have deep gratitude, love and admiration for her. Roma is just awesome!After doing the holistic exercises followed by breathwork , my ida and pingala naadis are balanced and getting into meditation is easier.This is my biggest takeaway as it was often not happening with just naadi shodhan and 2 rounds of 49hb. This is over and above feeling fresh and energetic.

Testimony about the meditation session
Sometimes all we want is to be happy and relaxed from within, without any reason. But we tend to hold onto so much irrelevant things of the past and inhibitions of the future, we keep on dwindling between the past and the future. Meditation helps to quieten this dwindlence and keep us in present where all we have is only happiness. .I have done meditation sessions before and love to do it again and again.
I learned the Kriya which instantly made me feel so better, it’s like some baggage just dropped off. It’s like some just pressed the F5 button of my system. Its not the problem and issues of my life evaporated, but I got fresh energy to deal with them. I can feel my Gyan chakra getting activated as we progressed towards the end of the session. .I would like to be a part is such sessions more and more in the coming days. Thank you Roma Aunty for arranging such sessions. Lots of love.
Iman Goregaon East, Mumbai

I and Maa have a guru shisha relationship and I always respect her teachings but if anytime certain things I would not agree to we would have very strong discussion and maa would explain to me beyond my logical understanding. Samarpan introduced me to myself in a positive direction towards life. I am grateful and my reverence and gratitude to loving Bharti Maa and our very adorable Prem Nirmal Guruji because of whom my Gurumaa Roma Maa got the grace of the pious teachings of life and through her we all are blessed in Samarpan. Roma maa is such an awesome,loving Gurumaa that she goes out of the way and never gives up till a person coming to Samarpan becomes stable and clear both mentally as well as physically. Samarpan is a boon of grace for me having myself.My love and gratitude to my guru maa Roma.

I enrolled for 4 weeks sound therapy session with Roma Aunty in Dec’21. 1 thing I have said repeatedly and would re-emphasize the same, you have to do it to believe how effective it is. It’s such a calming experience and penetrates into every corner of the mind and body and help one relax fully. I am looking forward to more such sessions with Roma Aunty in near future.
Miss Iman Roy

It was a friend who had told me about sound healing. I did my research and found out about frequency healing and then I wanted swatis experience to be the best 👌 hence I came in for the session. It was so serene and peaceful that we both were in a meditative state and could see colors and were blessed with abundance, thank u so much for this experience and enlightenment 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
RJ Mohan of FM

I visited Roma Aunty for a lot of issues of mine. I get dreams wherein I see known people suffering or something bad happening to my near and dear ones which used to make me irritated and my anger issues had increased .I had disturbed relations with my family members. Regular fights which also included violence like breaking stuff at home. This then later was taken to work where I started fighting with my close friends and well- wishers.
I met aunty through my mother who then suggested this sound therapy where aunty realised that my chakra was blocked. I had and still have to some extent now trust issues. She by playing various sound frequencies started removing my basic issues. She started with breathing then worked on my heart chakra and then on my soul cleaning. It not only helped me building a relationship at home specially with my father with whom I had maximum trouble. We had never spoken to each other face to face for good long years. She helped me work on my anger issues which is still there but on a controlled level. I improved with my colleagues friends and also my work improved.
My dreams are still on but I am able to foresee things to help people around me. Before the therapy I used to see the dreams when it used to actually happen and I used to get disturbed as I was helpless because by the time I woke up the event actually happened and became a past tense. However after the therapy I pre see things and make people cautious which helps reduce the damage. I am happy I met Roma Aunty and she with her therapy helped me grow out of my disturbed life and I can now smile.
I still go to her for the therapy as and when I get disturbed and stressed. But most importantly I am thankful to her for improving my relationships.
Pratyusha Nag, Goregaon West, Mumbai.

My journey with Samarpan started in May 2018. First session attended was Saturday afternoon free Sound Meditation. Then with Romaji and Samarpan members visited Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanathjis Ashram at Pune.i do remember till then I was unaware of how to check naadis, was so uneducated. So that was the start of my Spiritual journey. I felt so calm at the temple with Parad Shivling at Ashram. Started enjoying company of Romaji and Samarpan Saadhaks.There were so many questions and unresolved situations in my life when I started attending Samarpan and I was totally at guilt for being at that juncture of my life, even was feeling responsible for my kids situations. I want to admit that nothing was in very bad situation at any point of my life some odds were and are still there but with Romamaaa I have learned to accept the situations and to a greater extent learnt to accept myself which was absolutely lacking.

I thank Divine from core of my heart to send his messenger as ROMAMAAROMAMAA helped me to grow in so many areas of my life. I still have to work a lot on myself to achieve the goal of my soul journey. Romamaa helped me balance my Chakra with Sound healing.
PRAGYA SESSIONS with Romamaa has given me so many insights as I was total layman. Still in learning process. I was not knowing anything and always got astonished by knowledge received from Romaji.
During Meditation sessions at Samarpan I have experienced presence of Masters for quiet a few times. Got slaps on my head. A lot of cleansing also happened during Meditation sessions. The sessions helped me to come out of my guilt, change my patterns and I have started realizing that I shall start living for myself, I shall love myself and heal myself.
YATHA PINDE TATHA BRAHMANDE. Enjoyed learning concepts of Karmic relationships.
Through Personal counseling got more clarity to take life as it comes and not to carry past. The baggage should be lighten up to travel ahead easily.
As a Saadhak have to work a lot on myself. Now have started learning 36 elements in Kashmir Shaivism with Romamaa is altogether and it is a different experience. Have to work a lot to get this Jeeva fragment of Shiva to get merge to Shiva.
Thank you divine for showing me the Path.

I am Kanchan Jain , I was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 grade with metastasis that means cancer spread to bones and liver also so I couldn’t be operated on and was on chemotherapy.
I am now cancer free but still on drugs but in this journey I would like to thank a few people and that includes my healer Roma Biswas who had hope in me and her therapy. She would come all the way from Vakola to Malad and bring all the heavy pipes , arrange everything (I didn’t have a stand also) During the sessions I would be so peaceful that I would go to sleep and snore also,
She would counsel me too and was a great motivator as chemo can be really depressing.She had given me 2 pipes , one for building immunity and the other for stamina .In her absence I would play these pipes and my faith and belief in Roma and sound therapy was like an alternative medicine which made me get through the tough times.I have given Roma’s mobile no to the nurse in my hospital for helping cancer patients because my nurses would ask me that you are doing something different also , that is evident because your recovery is good I really thank Roma for her selflessness and she makes a first class healer . I have been benefited by her .
She is my guru maa so will she take care of a many more who come to her.Thanks a lot for everything